Thursday, February 7, 2008

President Hinckley's passing/ New Prophet - President Monson

Cannon called on his way home from a church meeting Sunday night, January 27th and told me that our Prophet President Hinckley had passed away. I knew this day would have to come sometime becuase he was 97 yrs old, but I was shocked becuase I had not heard that he had been down at all. I was sadded to not be able to hear his sweet words and counsel anymore, but was so happy that he was reunited with his wife whom he had missed and talked about often since her passing. Cannon wanted to have a family prayer together, so I got the boys out of bed (not asleep yet, just working on it) and waited for Cannon to get home. We told the kids of the news. Ryland started to cry. He is so tenderhearted. We had a special family prayer that evening. I am so thankful for a wise and wonderful husband who leads our family and is such a good example to all of us. We will miss President Hinckley, but he served all of us for over 70 years and is now back with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and his family. What a neat reunion he had!

On Monday morning Feb.10th, I was home with the kids and able to watch the news conference announcing Pres. Monson as the new Prophet. Pres. Eyring & Pres. Uchtdorf
are his counselors. It was neat to watch our new Prophet speak. I had watched him just days earlier conduct Pres. Hinckley's funeral, yet today he looked like our new Prophet, he looked different than a few days prior. He now has that mantle placed on him and I look forward to April Conference to hear from him as our newest Prophet. He is such a wonderful man. For family home evening, I had the boys watch part of the news conference. I told them this would be their Prophet, the one they would remember during their teenage years if he remains healthy.

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